
Showing posts from January, 2012


I apologize to loyal readers for no posts for a few days. There is so much to write about, especially after we were subjected to the worst "State of the Union" address in my lifetime. Why the worst? A hyped campaign speech tells us nothing about the national condition! I will try to write a piece, "A Truthful Look at the State of the Union," that speaks to the critical issues very soon. I am with my ill daughter at Indiana University Medical Center. I  should have some time by tomorrow, 28 January, to write a bit. Family and friends' personal issues get priority!


Another thought for the day to add to those below. Our bloated, cost-burdened, dysfunctional government must be restructured and streamlined to be better matched with the economy where structural problems will persist in retarding capital formation and economic expansion well into the future -- forever with the current administration run by it's czars and radical appointees. Absent effective restructuring and decreased spending, taxes cannot be raised to meet increased cost of government. It's a catch-22...increase taxes on everyone and everything and kill any expansion that might be possible. So, as this reality should be foremost in all presidential candidates minds and we need to elect a true leader who understands this need and how to effect it, Newt destroys the issue by disparaging the very essence if restructuring in an attempt to destroy the electability of perhaps the one candidate who has experience in restructuring and in capital formation. I have not committed...


-- Replacing Obama is rather like applying a tourniquet  to a ruptured artery. The bleeding must be stopped to permit repair of the damage.  -- We won't have a perfect candidate, or an ideologically pure one, to replace Obama, but it is imperative that he be replaced by a person who loves America, believes in "traditional" America and unites Americans rather than polarize to achieve a radical agenda as Obama is doing. -- For me, a conservative, a good old-time Democrat would be OK (to stop the bleeding), but no Democrat will challenge Obama. Also, Democrats of today are not at all like the Democrats of most of my forebearers. -- Narcissism trumps all other personality traits as well as judgement and wisdom. Obama and Gingrich are prime examples -- Intellect does not equate to wisdom or judgement. Gingrich has the intellect and is an example. Obama is not. His proclaimed intellect has not been confirmed by actions and he has a serious deficit in judgement and wisdom. ...


Debt to social security is $4.8 Trillion...... not Billions as incorrectly posted previously.


Finally, more reporting media have "found" the truth about the national debt-to-GDP ratio. Out is the foolish claim that only "outside" debt counts and $4.8 Trillion debt to Social Security isn't material. Truth is that the ratio is now 102% -- Greece-like. I heard the truth on Fox News and was informed that Drudge posts it too. Don't follow Drudge. Now Obama requests approval for an additional $1 Trillion of debt. Absent a counter-balancing increase in GDP, the ratio will be nearly 107%. Who among you can predict that increase will be offset by added revenue? Who thinks it's acceptable? For the misguided (OK, foolish) economists, such as Krugman and Blinder, Princeton's "finest", who say that debt "doesn't matter," interest on the debt is now $454 Billion/yr  and soon will be 1/2 Trillion dollars. Who among you can  forecast an increase in GDP that would get the ratios to acceptable levels. Absolutely can't happen...


With his consent, I am sending a response, from Jim in Florida, to the the post that generated some controversy a couple of days ago. The way our candidates are handling the issue of Bain and Romney is detrimental. I heard Chris Wallace of Fox News mention that "the inoculation might help" Romney. Handling the issue the way Newt is, although I understand his anger, is not inoculation at all. Rather, it is expanding (exploding) the issue to an extent that the anti-business positions of Obama will be well-reinforced by November.  I suspect I have more direct experience with venture capitalists and investment bankers than most, and I can be very critical legitimately, but again.......the way the issue is being handled is utterly irresponsible.  One aspect of this that may not be obvious is...... it shows the difference in legislative types and executive types as well as highlighting the political type (which Obama epitomizes). SEE JIM'S COMMENT BELOW. Joe: You ar...


Once again I'm delayed in getting a couple of promised articles posted. Excuse is, family priorities trump all other, and will continue to do so. That's obligatory, but excuses are just excuses..... resolve nothing. I want to share thoughts and hard examples of reasons that Obama must be replaced. The current disgusting debate among Republican candidates takes the focus off the real critical issues and Obama's absurd policies, any one of which disqualifies him to lead us. The mess gets messier daily.


Click here: The Big Fail - Top 5 Failed Obama Policies | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP   The article in this link breaks down the Obama policies and promises with some truth vs. the hype and sound bites of the media sycophants. References are given.   One of the most interesting to me is the number of jobs lost or gained since the stimulus. Even locally an acquaintance of far left persuasion wrote a misguided letter puppeting that the stimulus created 3.5 million jobs. Bunk! There is much more.   Truth is hard to find these days!!

BUFFETT'S DECEPTION -- DISHONEST SHILL Click onto this link to access the Bloomberg article on Buffett's charity giving. Some time ago (and I have not found the reference again), USA Today did a survey of major charitable givers. Until Buffett gave his wife's $2.5 Billion Berkshire Hathaway stock to The Gates Foundation, he was a real piker...compared to less wealthy people. He has been utterly dishonest as he shills for Obama, but it is nothing new for him. The press just doesn't cover this aspect of Buffett. Once again Warren Buffett makes a mockery of the tax issue by challenging Republican Senators to write checks for taxes and he'll match them. He's at best simply playing games. Duplicitous!! When challenged on his tax avoidance in foundations established by each of his family members and The Gates Foundation, his comment was that he believed the foundations would use funds more effectively than the government. Yet it's OK for the g...


I've known Newt Gingrich in the past and have worked with him a bit. I have respected him and am one of many who would like to see Gingrich-Obama debates. In spite of these positive aspects, I "wrote Newt off" early when he blew a Meet the Press interview with David Gregory with comments about Congressman Ryan's budget plan and even worse when he muffed his response to Gregory re Obama being a food stamp president. He wasn't quick enough on his feet to turn the issue on Gregory. He didn't live up to his billing. Then I thought he was coming back as an adult in the room. But now the flap over Romney and Bain Capital.....a business with which I have experience.....and not all good. Yet,  Newt is wrong in spite of his justifying his position as defending himself against PAC attacks. Fact is, he is letting his narcissism drive his personal feelings rather than to use his intellect and knowledge to help prevent destruction of America. Sorry, but it is what it...


Cornell West is on Hannity and I am, once again, reminded of why I don't watch Hannity much anymore.   Yesterday I read a Krugman column, a couple of days ago one by Alan Blinder. All 3 of these Marxists are masquerading as legitimate Princeton professors who, unfortunately, exemplify what populates college faculties today. These far-left trough feeders brainwash our children under the guise of educating them. Is it any wonder that America now ranks 26 and 27 in UN standards for math and science. Krugman and Blinder are both died-in-the-wool Keynesian "economists" and West feeds on racism and is not worthy of the title of professor, once a lofty title, but no more. Colleges and universities have become havens for left-wing political activism and are no longer sanctuaries for learning and the freedom to create.  I remember when it was very different. Radicals of the 60's are now in control. To doubt it is to be delusional or totally uninformed.


This post is dedicated to friend, Randy. Randy, yesterday, I heard a Fox News reporter state that debt to GDP is now 102%. They, like all media, have been talking 70%, or just outside debt. I was shocked and blurted something that Carol thought I shouldn't have said. Could it be that Fox folks have read our exchange on the subject? Fox has had my blog address and just last week I sent it directly to Roger Ailes, CEO.  Stranger things have happened. We'll watch for more.


Keynesian economic theory postulates that nations can borrow and spend, as well as devalue, their way out of economic distress. It was promoted by liberal British Economist, John Maynard Keynes in the 1930's and has long been the the predominant economic theory taught by liberal academic economists (virtually all academicians). It is also the economic policy of the Obama administration. Keynesianism has failed profoundly wherever practiced, yet the Liberals/Progressives continue to promote it. The practice of Keynesianism, along with public service unions, have destroyed the socialist PIIGS of the EU economically.  Burdensome debt, now at 102% of GDP, with unfunded entitlements taking it to 400+% of GDP, will do the same to America. Don't doubt it! Obama's Keynesian spending “stimulus” is also a huge failure, notwithstanding claims of success by the administration and its sycophantic media. Obama and Jeffery Immelt, the “Jobs Czar,” were foolish, irresponsible, immature,...


I apologize for no posts recently when there is so much for us to discuss. I have been with my ill daughter for a couple of weeks and have given her priority. Much is happening with our critical national condition. Government is dysfunctional in Washington as Obama "governs" (an overstatement) without Congress (even in contempt the "equal" branch). And, the Republicans are demonstrating a high degree of irresponsibility in debates as what will be the dirtiest, most dishonest and expensive election campaign in history has begun. If the Republicans continue to destroy each other with utterly stupid debates that play right into Obama's strategy, Obama will be reelected. I am I'm totally disgusted with the candidates. Obama's reelection will be the end of "traditional America" and the beginning of control by an Imperialist president. Oh, I almost forgot, he has already started by ignoring Congress.