If Hillary Clinton is elected president and combines her machine with Obama's, along with a compliant DOJ, we can expect The Rule of Law, the primary requirement for 1st World status, to be abrogated as it was in the exoneration of Hillary Clinton. 3rd World is in sight!

It is legitimate to think of the combinations of Obama and Clinton machines, with the DOJ now a compliant servant, abrogating the Rule of Law, the prime requirement for a 1st world nation. The decline has already started with the Clinton exoneration a prime example, yet not the only one. Anyone who contends that the exoneration of Clinton was just an honest assessment of the FBI and the whole DOJ, should give up any claim to an IQ over 80. While there is "no equation of intellect with wisdom and judgement"(JAM), that person can lay no claim to either wisdom or judgement as well. The November election is not, in any meaningful way, a matter of differing philosophies. It is a matter of survival of the USA as a 1st World nation. Obama has already paved the way out and the Nov. election can complete the exit.


  1. So,my choice is a corrupt, pathological liar socialist or a dangerous, unstable maniac. Not much of a choice, is it?

  2. Watching Republican National Convention. Congratulations to the GOP for the imminent nomination of a sociopath as your candidate. Sad state of affairs for the USA.

  3. What you describe as a corrupt, pathological liar and socialist is well-documented and indisputable. She and Obama also have powerful corrupt political machines. They now have the DOJ as their co-conspirators. With Clinton's exoneration, they are already abrogating the Rule of Law, the primary factor in 1st world status. These are all givens! What you claim about Trump is largely conjecture with a lot of prejudicial judgement thrown into the assessment. I don't like him personally and I am not comfortable arguing for him. While he may not be what we prefer, isn't in fact, I have decided to take the gamble with him, and now Pence, to try to stop the societal decadence that results from the revolution, stop the march to perdition we've been on for 6+ decades and try to maintain our 1st world status. This will be an epoch election and too many are treating it as just another left-right fight. It's not that. It's a fight for maintaining what millions of people better than you and I built, a great nation, or throw it away to the worst among us.

  4. Let's start over. First, the concept of third world country comes post world war 2. First world was the United States, Western Europe and subsequent NATO members. Second world was Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact members. Everyone else was third country. While you may think my claim of sociopath is largely conjecture, maybe. It's a difficult thing to define. I think there is little doubt he has narcissistic personality disorder. He fits the profile to a T. I'm not sure there is a major difference between the two. Scary guy. Give him one thing, he's got the best wife money can buy. Snicker, snicker. I'm not ready to take the gamble, I always want a reasonable chance to win. Don't let your hatred of Hillary cause you to support a dangerous and unstable man. History tells us otherwise.

  5. Update your handbook on what nations are considered 3rd world today. The cheap shot about Trump's wife is just that, a very cheap shot. If you can't or won't comprehend what Hillary Clinton, based on her career of corruption, will do if elected, yet are willing to project worse from Trump based on hatred for him whom you know far less about, surely I won't change your opinions. It's a fool's errand for me to waste energy on this. I was going to apologize for yelling at you couple of days ago, but decided not to. Buenos noches.

  6. Am I getting under your skin yet? I think so. Cheap shot? Please, Joe, give me a break. Do you honestly believe that ? Without the money, she would be long gone. Don't defy common sense. I'm not an idiot, and neither are you. As I told you when we spoke, I don't define friendship according to political opinions. I've known you for 30 years, and will always cherish the friendship between you and me, Carol and Venice. And that friendship is intact, I certainly hope. I respect you a great deal, and I mean that sincerely. We've disagreed before, this is just one more time , buenos noches, mi amigo.

  7. I'm thankful that we still have men like Ted Cruz who refuse to compromise conscience and common sense in the name of "party unity " . Equally telling is Trump's tweet afterward: "I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway". Let him speak anyway? Dangerous, dangerous person. I'm ashamed of my "former" party, and am alarmed of the direction in which we are heading.

  8. Chuck Misak06 August, 2016

    Vernon, what empirical guidelines did you use to declare Trump a "dangerous, unstable maniac?" He is brash and brazen--just what we need to shake up all the cozy, dysfunctional relationships in DC., and he will provide American leadership to the world--and you know that will upset the liberals or progressives who believe utopia is just around the corner. Trump is the guy who will throw a rock at a horner's nest--and that is EXACTLY what we need,ol boy.

  9. I believe it is far more than brash and brazen, that I could tolerate. He is a self absorbed, thin skinned, vindictive, mean spirited, poor excuse for a human being. He is not a Republican, not a conservative. To Trump, it's only about Trump. His behavior the past week clearly shows as much. He is the only candidate Hillary could beat, and he is going to lose badly. Just hope he doesn't help lose the Senate and House as well.

  10. Clinton is gonna win and trumps a big fat, 12 sandwich eating, piece of shit beeeeotch!

    1. I appreciate meaningful and helpful comments. However, such Democrat-like, gutter-class sub-80 IQ comments such as yours are neither helpful nor meaningful, except that they define to many Democrats today. Once quite honorable, they have been parasitically taken over by so-called Progressives (the most misleading moniker). It is also typical that they (you) haven't the courage to own your tripe. It's intellectually-insufficiency like yours that drives us to perdition. Clinton is a point person.


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